Cyclone Classic Automated Control Package (Legacy)

Software for Automating Programming Launch from a PC for Cyclone Pro/Max

Please note that the legacy Cyclone Classic Automated Control software is no longer available, in any version. The reommendaed path for Cyclone control and automation is to update to a current Cyclone model. For help with the transition to the newer Cyclones, including a trade-in program which can defray the cost, please visit the Legacy Hardware Transition Support Page for more information.


PEmicro's Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package allows developers to automate the production programming process using PEmicro's  Cyclone for Renesas, Cyclone PRO (legacy), Cyclone MAX (legacy), and Cyclone for STMicro (legacy)  stand-alone programmers. One or more Cyclones can be controlled either from the command line or from within a customer's own application via the easy to use SDK. This includes launching programming, recovering results, managing images resident on a Cyclone, adding unique programming data for each target, and more. All of these tasks can be automated. Use the powerful toolset provided by the Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package to create an efficient, flexible, and robust production environment!

For those using a Cyclone LC or Cyclone FX programmer we suggest working with the Cyclone Control Suite instead of the Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package. The Cyclone Control Suite is a collection of software components that comes integrated with the latest generation of Cyclone programmers and allows them to be controlled automatically from the PC.

To see an example of a custom application using the Automated Control SDK to gang program multiple targets through multiple cyclones, see the following Expert's Corner.


  • Multiple Cyclone Control
    A host PC only needs to send minimal control information to control each Cyclone unit. The result is that a single PC is capable of controlling many Cyclone units simultaneously. Supported devices can be programmed in parallel, even if they are different devices with different data.
  • Error Detection
    The Cyclone unit sends error codes back to the host PC, allowing the detection of any errors that occur during programming.
  • Dynamic Data Programming
    It is often desirable to program non-volatile dynamic data (serial numbers, date of manufacture, MAC addresses) into the microprocessor. The Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package simplifies this procedure by allowing a host PC application to specify exactly what data should be programmed.
  • Image Maintenance
    The Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package also allows control over the images that reside in the Cyclone unit. Images may be erased, added, and compared against an image created on the host PC. This functionality can be used to guarantee that the Cyclone unit contains the most up-to-date image before any programming occurs.


PEmicro offers three different versions of the Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package. The functionality and pricing of each version varies - choosing the correct version will depend on your requirements. Please consult the chart below for product comparisons:

FeaturesBasic EditionProfessional EditionEnterprise Edition
Classic Cyclone Automated Control Packages: Version Comparison
Number of Cyclones that can be controlled in parallel11 to 3Unlimited
Number of Programming images supportedSingleMultipleMultiple
Software license (tied to user and PCs)1 PCUp to 2 PCs*Up to 5 PCs
Image management support (automatically add, erase, or update images on the Cyclone)
Supports programming of dynamic data specified by the host PC
Includes Cyclone RS232 and Ethernet protocols

Image resides on Cyclone during programming (enables high-speed programming)XXX
*May only be used on one PC at any given time. Please refer to the user's manual for the complete license agreement.

System Requirements

Windows 7/8/10

What's included:
Cyclone Launch
Cyclone Control DLL
RS232 / Ethernet Communication Protocols (Enterprise Edition only)

Cyclone Launch
Cyclone Launch is a command-line application that uses simple ASCII script files to Control Cyclone operations using a PC via USB, Ethernet, or RS-232. Using a simple ASCII text editor, the user can specify which Cyclone units to control and issue different commands for each Cyclone. It is also possible to issue the same commands simultaneously to all connected Cyclone units, which is ideal for production environments where multiple Cyclone units are programming the same data into their respective devices. Advanced operations such as dynamic data programming and Cyclone image maintenance are also fully supported. Cyclone Launch will get your production line up and running in minutes!

Cyclone Control DLL
The dynamic link library (DLL) included in the Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package allows custom software applications to directly control Cyclone programming operations via USB, Ethernet, or RS-232. The included documentation describes the intuitive, high-level application programming interface (API) in detail. To help facilitate the development process, example projects using the Cyclone Control DLL are included for the following environments:
  • Embarcadero Delphi
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • Microsoft Visual C#

RS232 / Ethernet Protocols (Enterprise Edition only)
The Enterprise Edition of the Classic Cyclone Automated Control Package includes specifications for communicating directly with the Cyclone unit using RS232 or Ethernet connections. Instead of writing script files or using a DLL, the developer will directly send and receive data bytes on the RS232 serial port or Ethernet port. These protocols are generally used in situations where the production workstation is not running a Microsoft Windows-based operating system.

Jump to: Documentation / Manuals   Downloads   FAQs   Version info & Release Notes
Documentation / Manuals
Cyclone Automated Control Package User Manual  (450 KB)
Cyclone Automated Control Package User Manual
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Version Info & Release Notes>
Release Notes:
Version 5.89
Released 29 April 2016

- Now compatible with the next gen Cyclones (Cyclone Universal FX, Cyclone Universal, and Cyclone for ARM Rev C)

Version 5.73
Released 10 December 2015

- Fixes an issue in all three demo projects that caused 
it to incorrectly report an error code of 0xEEEE.

- Fixes an issue with update_image_with_file which caused it to 
incorrectly report that a Cyclone did not have enough memory to store an image 

- Fixes an issue that may cause the Cyclone to hang when 
calling add_image_to_cyclone after erase_all_cyclone_images

- Internal timeout for the following functions increased to 1 minute:

Version 5.52
Released 12 August 2015

* This version is not compatible with the Cyclone Universal or Cyclone Universal FX *

- Updated MSVC# project

- Improved "check_STARTED_cyclonepromax_status" to handle losing communication with the Cyclone and lowered internal timeout from 2 minutes to 3 seconds. 

Version 5.33
Released 13 April 2015

- Added connection validation code to "connect_to_cyclonepromax"

- Drivers updated to 11.7

Version 1.45
Released 1 July 2014

1. "add_image_to_cyclone" and "update_image_with_file" now checks for available memory space before accepting a SAP file
2. MSVC# project executable no longer crashes

New Features:
1. "connect_tocyclonepromax" accepts new identifier type Open_by_Port_Num


19 February 2010

Bug fixes:
Cyclone Control DLL no longer accepts a an invalid
SAP image file path


30 October 2009

Cyclone Control DLL and Cyclone Launch now support images
on external Compact Flash cards.

Bug fixes:
Cyclone Control DLL no longer accepts an image number of 0


21 October 2008

Cyclone Control DLL and Cyclone Launch now support serial
ports on any COM port

Additional features added to Cyclone Launch:
-Minimized on startup
-Command to reset Cyclone units

Click this link to download the Basic Edition Package at no cost!

The basic edition license code, CYCLONE_CTRL_BASIC, is available for no cost here (immediate generated but you must be logged in to request).

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