Third Party IDEs for PEmicro Cyclones & Multilinks

Support for PEmicro's Multilink debug probes and Cyclone production programmers is included in many 3rd party software development IDEs, including tools from NXP, STMicroelectronics, Keil, IAR, Infineon, Silicon Labs, and COSMIC. This page also hosts patches and installation instructions required to update PEmicro support in the latest Keil software development IDE. Most 3rd party IDEs will come with pre-integrated PEmicro run control and FLASH programming support.

IDE Quick Index

NXP Semiconductor

NXP produces several tools that allow the user to take advantage of PEmicro's programming and debug tools, each with a different selection of NXP devices.

MCUXpresso IDE

MCUXpresso IDE supports PEmicro's Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with NXP® MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M cores, such as LPC, Kinetis, and i.MX devices. Click to read more about how to set up and use our Multilinks and Cyclones with MCUXpresso.

S32 Design Studio for Arm®

S32 Design Studio IDE for Arm®-based MCUs supports PEmicro's Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes NXP's Automotive ARM MCUs such as S32K1 and KEA.

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with NXP's Automotive ARM devices such as S32V234 and S32K1.

S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture

S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with NXP's Power Architecture (S32R & MPC5xxx) devices.

Kinetis Design Studio

Kinetis Design Studio supports PEmicro's Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with NXP's Kinetis ARM devices. You may wish to download PEmicro's Kinetis Design Studio User Guide for information on how to setup and use your Multilink or Cyclone with NXP's Kinetis Design Studio.

CodeWarrior 11.x and CodeWarrior Legacy

CodeWarrior 11.x and CodeWarrior Legacy support Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with NXP's Kinetis, MPC56xx, RS08/S08, S12Z, and other 8-/16-/32-bit devices. NXP's CodeWarrior documentation details the setup and use of PEmicro's Multilinks and Cyclones with the CodeWarrior IDE.

NOTE: CodeWarrior Legacy may require a patch when used with PEmicro's hardware interfaces. See our CodeWarrior FAQ for more information.


For Keil's uVision IDE (part of their MDK ARM® Microcontroller Development Kit), PEmicro provides full run control and collection of FLASH programming algorithms to support the latest core-M0/M3/M4 NXP ARM devices. Click to read more about how to work with Multilink and Cyclone tools in the uVision IDE.

Note: Keil uVision supports all ARM device manufacturers that PEmicro's Multilink and Cyclone tools support.

The latest installer for PEmicro support under Keil uVision IDE can be downloaded via the following link:

Download the Installer for PEmicro support under Keil uVision IDE

The PEmicro deliverable for Keil shall be installed into {Keil Installation Folder}\ ARM\PEMicro folder.

Once the latest PEmicro patch is installed, prior to starting a PEmicro based debug session please proceed to select PEMICRO Debugger settings under:

Options for Target -> Debug Tab -> Settings:


STMicroelectronics STM32CubeIDE works easily with PEmicro's Multilink and Cyclone tools.


STM32CubeIDE supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with all STM32 devices that PEmicro supports. We have written a blog post that demonstrates how to set up PEmicro tools to work with STM32CubeIDE.

IAR Systems

IAR's Embedded Workbench allows the user to take advantage of PEmicro's programming and debug tools.

IAR's Embedded Workbench

IAR's Workbench supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with parts from all of the ARM device manufacturers that PEmicro supports. Read our blog post that demonstrates how to use PEmicro tools with the IAR Workbench for ARM. You may also wish to download this PEmicro guide to setting up a Multilink or Cyclone to work with with IAR Workbench.


Infineon's DAVE IDE allows the user to take advantage of PEmicro's programming and debug tools.

Infineon's DAVE IDE

The DAVE IDE supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with Infineon's XMC1000 and XMC4000 devices. Read our blog post that demonstrates how to use PEmicro tools with the DAVE IDE.


JetBrains' CLion IDE allows the user to take advantage of PEmicro's programming and debug tools.

JetBrains' CLion IDE

The CLion IDE supports PEmicro's Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with ARM Cortex-M devices.


Renesas' e2 studio IDE allows the user to take advantage of PEmicro's programming and debug tools.

Renesas' e2 studio

The Renesas' e2 studio supports PEmicro's Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with ARM Cortex-M devices.

Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs' Simplicity Studio 4 & 5 work easily with PEmicro's Multilink and Cyclone tools.

Silicon Labs's Simplicity Studio 4 & 5

Simplicity Studio 4 & 5 support Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with all Silicon Labs devices that PEmicro supports. We have written a blog post that demonstrates how to set up PEmicro tools to work with Simplicity Studio 4 or 5.


COSMIC's IDEA IDE works easily with PEmicro's Multilink and Cyclone tools.


IDEA IDE supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes for a variety of MCUs, including S08 & HC08, ColdFire, 68HC(S)12(X), S12Z MagniV, and ARM Cortex-M.


PEmicro's GDB Server has a plug-in that allows it to be installed into Eclipse-based IDEs so that the user can take advantage of PEmicro's programming and debug tools.

GDB Server

GDB Server Eclipse plug-in supports Cyclone production programmers and Multilink debug probes with all PEmicro-supported ARM devices. Read more about how to install and configure the GDB Server plug-in.