Orders & Proformas

To receive a Price Quotation (Proforma) over the Web follow these steps:

  1. Add items to be quoted to the Shopping Cart as usual
  2. During the Checkout procedure select 'Proforma' instead of 'Order'
  3. Staff will review the proforma quotation and send an email confirmation once approved.
  4. To view your proforma quotation or to convert it to an order go to 'My Account' and then 'My Orders & Proformas' and select 'Place Order'

Payment - Credit Cards

  1. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express
  2. We require an email address when ordering online
  3. When entering your contact info, billing info, and shipping info please make sure all the fields are filled out accurately and completely.
  4. It is especially important that you include a name and a complete shipping address as well as a phone number where the item(s) is being shipped.
  5. For our customers protection we can not process an order if the customer's information is not completely accurate.
  6. Your card is charged only after your order is ready to ship.
  7. The sale will only be considered as definitive after the order confirmation has been sent and after global payment of the full purchase price.
  8. We reserve the right to cancel all orders from clients with whom there is an existing claim regarding the payment of a previous order.

Payment - Purchase Orders

  1. The customer should enter their Purchase Order number in the appropriate field during the checkout process when placing an online order, and then email a hard copy of the Purchase Order to: sales-info@pemicro.com. PEmicro's standard payment terms for accepted purchase orders are NET30.

Payment - Paypal

  1. We accept payment via PayPal.
  2. There is a 3% fee for domestic orders paid via PayPal. There is a 5% fee for international orders paid via PayPal.


  1. State sales tax of 6.25% is applied to orders with shipping addresses in Massachusetts, USA
  2. For international orders, all duties and taxes are the responsibility of the receiver.


  1. We accept credit card orders from customers over the phone. We do not accept purchase orders by phone. Purchase orders must be sent via mail, fax, or email at sales-info (at) pemicro.com.
  2. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
  3. We accept Electronic Funds Transfers for Domestic and International clients. Note: If there is a bank fee associated with your proforma, the bank fee will not appear on the final invoice. The final invoice contains only charges for products and shipping/handling.
  4. We accept payment via PayPal.
  5. There is a 3% fee for domestic orders paid via PayPal. There is a 5% fee for international orders paid via PayPal.
  6. We accept Checks for only Domestic clients.
  7. We require an email address when ordering over the phone
  8. Domestic orders purchased with PO will be processed and shipped within twenty four hours. PEmicro's standard payment terms for accepted purchase orders are NET30.
  9. International orders will be processed and shipped after payment is received.
  10. The sale will only be considered as definitive after the order confirmation has been sent and after global payment of the full purchase price.
  11. We reserve the right to cancel all orders from clients with whom there is an existing claim regarding the payment of a previous order.


  1. State sales tax of 6.25% is applied to orders with shipping addresses in Massachusetts, USA
  2. For international orders, all duties and taxes are the responsibility of the receiver.


  1. We accept credit cards and purchase order numbers from clients through the fax
  2. Purchase orders must be faxed, or emailed to: sales-info@pemicro.com.
  3. We accept Electronic Funds Transfers for Domestic and International clients. Note: If there is a bank fee associated with your proforma, the bank fee will not appear on the final invoice. The final invoice contains only charges for products and shipping/handling.
  4. We accept Checks for only Domestic clients
  5. We require an email address to be included in the fax order.
  6. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express
  7. We accept payment via PayPal.
  8. There is a 3% fee for domestic orders paid via PayPal. There is a 5% fee for international orders paid via PayPal.
  9. Domestic orders purchased with PO will be processed and shipped if items are in stock within twenty four hours of receiving fax. PEmicro's standard payment terms for accepted purchase orders are NET30.
  10. International orders will be processed and shipped after payment is received.
  11. The sale will only be considered as definitive after the order confirmation has been sent and after global payment of the full purchase price.
  12. We reserve the right to cancel all orders from clients with whom there is an existing claim regarding the payment of a previous order.


  1. State sales tax of 6.25% is applied to orders with shipping addresses in Massachusetts, USA
  2. For international orders, all duties and taxes are the responsibility of the receiver.