MC9S12A256 program?

By John K. : Jan 5, 2023 at 10:15 AM (10:15 hours)
Staff: Takao Y. : 5 comments

I am using cyclone universal to program my PCB.

Already MC9S12XET256 controller program is done by ourself using cyclone with s19 file.

Now i am not able to load progam in MC9S12A256 using s19 file

I changed S19 file into phycial value using log2phy coverter

Still i not able to load program.

Can you help to solve this?

Ganesh, we need you to stop the behavior of what looks like spamming our forums with creating new forum threads and posting replies to other threads in a very short period of time.

Let's continue our conversation on this thread and this thread only. We will not respond on other threads to prevent having to repeat ourselves.

For the S12A256, within CW5.1, please create a brand new project for this device and without any changes to code or settings start a debug session with your cyclone. It should work out of the box. If it does not, then we have other issues we need to resolve. Please run this test first and let us know if that works.

Only after you get debugging and programming working in CW5.1 then we will move forward with programming with cyclone outside of CW5.1 and the use of LOG2PHY converter.


What is CW 5.1?


Where are you getting your object file and where are you debugging?


My problem resolved
