PEmicro Documentation & Downloads

Demos / Trial Software
64K Power Architecture 55xx Starter C Development Kit
The 64K Starter Edition of PEmicro's PKGPPCNEXUS software development package provides the capability to compile, debug, and flash program up to 64KB of user C code for Power Architecture 55xx devices. This software suite includes the PEmicro In Circuit Debugger, Flash Programmer, and WinIDE integrated environment with built-in GCC Compiler. Request your 64K Starter Edition license at
(81625 KB)

Demos / Trial Software
PROGDSC Programming Software
This software ONLY WORKS ON DSC devices from NXP. It will not work on any other chip architecture. Flash/eeprom programming software for NXP DSC devices. Requires compatible PEmicro hardware interface.
(17118 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HC08 Command-Line Assembler Installation
(5009 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HC(S)12 Command-Line Assembler Installation
(4807 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HC16 Command-Line Assembler Installation
(4716 KB)

No-Cost Software
CPU3xx Command-Line Assembler Installation
(4687 KB)

No-Cost Software
ColdFire Command-Line Assembler Installation
(4692 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HCS08 Command-Line Assembler Installation
(4789 KB)

No-Cost Software
Command-Line Assembler (PRO Version) for HCS08 Devices Installation
(1074 KB)

No-Cost Software
Power Architecture 5xx/8xx Command-Line Assembler Installation
(4763 KB)

No-Cost Software
68RS08 Command-Line Assembler
(4835 KB)

No-Cost Software
HC12/HCS12 Assembly Paging Example (MC9S12DP256)
A small assembly program demonstrating how to build a paged application with PEmicro's assembler.
(5 KB)

No-Cost Software
PEmicro GDB Server for ARM devices - Eclipse Plugin

Eclipse plugin version of PEmicro's GDB Server for ARM devices. This edition will allow you to use Eclipse with the GDB debugger installed to debug and program a supported ARM target. Works with Multilink, Cyclone, and OpenSDA debug hardware.

NOTE: For user's of Eclipse based development IDEs such as KDS (Kinetis Design Studio), S32 Design Studio for ARM, LPCExpresso, etc, the latest PEmicro GDB Server plugin can be installed by pointing Eclipse IDE to the following update site:

(253724 KB)

No-Cost Software
All of the register files and instructions to create your own.
(11037 KB)

No-Cost Software
UNITACMP - No Cost Download
C/C++, Delphi and Python library modules which allow the creation of custom PC applications which use PEmicro hardware interfaces to control ARM® Cortex™-M processors via background debug mode
(238836 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HC08 Windows Integrated Development Environment Installation
(5548 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HC(S)12 Windows Integrated Development Environment Installation
(6528 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HC16 Windows Integrated Development Environment Installation
(5455 KB)

No-Cost Software
CPU3xx Windows Integrated Development Environment Installation
(5058 KB)

No-Cost Software
ColdFire Windows Integrated Development Environment Installation
(5431 KB)

No-Cost Software
68HCS08 Windows Integrated Development Environment Installation
(6475 KB)

No-Cost Software
Power Architecture 5xx/8xx Windows Intergrated Development Environment Installation
(5501 KB)

No-Cost Software
68RS08 Windows Integrated Development Environment installation
(7051 KB)

Software Update
Advanced debugging software for the EVS05/EVM05 interface. Provides much faster and more fully featured emulation than EVM05.
(224 KB)

Software Update
Cyclone FX Driver Installation Software for Linux
Cyclone FX Universal drivers for Linux Operating Systems.
(12425 KB)

Software Update
Cyclone LC-FX Installation and Control Suite Software Windows
Includes Control Suite for automation. Covers the Cyclone LC Universal, Cyclone FX Universal, Cyclone LC ARM, and Cyclone FX ARM. Software to create programming images, configure Cyclone programmers, and control them in an automated fashion in Windows Operating Systems. Also includes documentation, drivers, and an extensive library of programming algorithms.
(148070 KB)

Software Update
Cyclone Legacy Programmer Installation Software
Updated November 16, 2023. This software is compatible with the Cyclone PRO RevC, Cyclone MAX RevB, Cyclone Renesas, and Cyclone STMicro. Software to create programming images, configure Cyclone programmers, and control them in an automated fashion. Also includes documentation, drivers, and an extensive library of programming algorithms. Now updated with directions for enabling compact flash support in CycloneControlGUI.
(159832 KB)

Software Update
Drivers for Windows XP 64 bit (v10)
PEmicro Hardware interface drivers for Windows XP 64 Bit.
(3978 KB)

Software Update
OpenSDA Bootloader Update Application
This application will update the bootloader portion of the OpenSDA software platform to version 1.08
(78 KB)

Software Update
OpenSDA Firmware Applications
December 12th, 2023.
(13546 KB)

Software Update
OpenSDA Firmware Release Notes
OpenSDA Firmware Release Notes
(3 KB)

Software Update
Patch for (S)12(X) 3rd Party Software
14 April 2023 This archive is NOT tested against legacy hardware interfaces. This archive contains the latest PEmicro (S)12(X) interface DLL and firmware for all compatible PEmicro interfaces. If you are unable to utilize your PEmicro interface with your software (such as classic Codewarrior, IAR, Greenhills, etc.), then you may need to apply this update. This patch does not guarantee its success in resolving all hardware or firmware issues customers may be facing. This patch was tested on NXP's Codewarrior classic v5.1 and v5.2 for (S)12(X) chip architecture. Please read the README.txt file for instructions on how to backup previous files and how to patch up the Codewarrior properly.
(9683 KB)

Software Update
Patch for CFV1/S08/RS08/MON08 3rd Party Software
14 April 2023 This archive contains the latest PEmicro CFV1/HCS08/RS08/MON08 interface DLL and firmware for all compatible PEmicro interfaces. If you are unable to utilize your PEmicro interface with your software (such as classic Codewarrior, IAR, Greenhills, etc.), then you may need to apply this update. This patch does not guarantee its success in resolving all hardware or firmware issues customers may be facing. This patch was tested on NXP's Codewarrior classic v6.3. Please read the README.txt file for instructions on how to backup previous files and how to patch up the Codewarrior properly.
(24109 KB)

Software Update
Patch for ColdFire 3rd Party Software
14 April 2023 This archive is NOT tested against legacy hardware interfaces. This archive contains the latest PEmicro ColdFire V2/V3/V4 interface DLL and firmware for all compatible PEmicro interfaces. If you are unable to utilize your PEmicro interface with your software (such as classic Codewarrior, CF Flasher, IAR, Greenhills, etc.), then you may need to apply this update. This patch does not guarantee its success in resolving all hardware or firmware issues customers may be facing. This patch was tested on NXP's Codewarrior classic v7.2 for ColdFire chip architecture. Please read the README.txt file for instructions on how to backup previous files and how to patch up the Codewarrior properly.
(9669 KB)

Software Update
Patch for Eclipse CW10.x
14 April 2023 This is ONLY for Eclipse Codewarrior 10.x and 11.x software. For users using Classic Codewarrior please check for other patches in our downloads page. This archive contains the latest PEmicro interface DLL and firmware for all compatible PEmicro interfaces. This patch does not guarantee its success in resolving all hardware or firmware issues customers may be facing. This patch was tested on NXP's Eclipse Codewarrior 10.4. Please read the README.txt file for instructions on how to backup previous files and how to patch up the Codewarrior properly.
(140359 KB)

Software Update
Patch for Qorivva (PowerPC Nexus) Codewarrior
14 April 2023 This archive is NOT tested against legacy hardware interfaces. This archive contains the latest PEmicro Qorivva/PPCNEXUS support for all compatible PEmicro interfaces for Classic Codewarrior v2.10. This patch does not guarantee its success in resolving all hardware or firmware issues customers may be facing. This patch was tested on NXP's Codewarrior classic v2.10. Please read the README.txt file for instructions on how to backup previous files and how to patch up the Codewarrior properly.
(33109 KB)

Software Update
PEmicro ARM support for IAR IDE
This archive allows an easy update of PEmicro run control and FLASH programming support for ARM devices under IAR IDE.
(85897 KB)

Software Update
PEmicro ARM support for Keil uVision IDE
This installer allows an easy update of PEmicro run control and FLASH programming support for ARM devices under Keil uVision IDE.
(72803 KB)

Software Update
PEmicro Hardware Interface Drivers, v.12 (7/8/10/11)
Version 12.7 Adds support for 64 bit PEmicro applications. Also it includes the atom fix which affects very select users. Installs PEmicro drivers to allow applications to communicate with PEmicro hardware. Please note that not all hardware may be supported for your OS. This does not include the application level support which comes with the different products. Administrator privilege is now required. Released 11/30/2017.
(2889 KB)

Software Update
PEmicro Linux Drivers
These drivers install support for PEmicro USB debug interfaces under CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian operating systems.
(1712 KB)

Software Update
USB Multilink Resources Install
Resource package for USB Multilink ACP, Embedded Multilink ACP, USB Multilink Universal (all revisions), and USB Multilink Universal FX (all revisions).

Install this if you are running older software or 3rd party software. Contains PEFirmwareConfig.exe utility, technical summaries, up-to-date firmware, and other resources.
(14781 KB)

Generates new CRC for modified algorithm to remove CRC warning message
(36 KB)

Converts binary to S-record files. Updated for 64 bit
(304 KB)

Motorola S-Record Blocking Utility.
(433 KB)

Please note that HEX files with extended address segments are not fully supported. Converts HEX to S19 & Vice-Versa.
(555 KB)

Cyclone Sap Convert Console
Programming images generated with older versions of the Cyclone PRO/MAX software may need to be converted to a new format version to work with the Cyclone LC & Cyclone FX programmers as well as legacy Cyclones running the latest firmware. The conversion is necessary to update the image to a more secure CRC version.
(191 KB)

Driver Test
This file tests the PEmicro Version 12.7 and OSBDM Driver file structure to make sure all drivers are in the correct place. This utility does not perform any functional tests. Version numbers/dates are also noted. Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 compatible
(231 KB)

Kinetis Recovery Utility
Utility that attempts to restore debug functionality to NXP Kinetis processors where the RESET pin is disabled or not connected.
(6156 KB)

Utility which converts HC(S)12(X) Logical Records to Physical S-Records.
Now supports S12X devices EEPROM. Updated March 16 2023.
(1164 KB)

Converts listing to PEmicro MAP file
(28 KB)

Changes address of Motorola S-Records
(439 KB)

SERIALIZE Legacy - Use an Automated Serial Number
Allows the generation of a .SER serial number description file. This graphical utility sets up a serial number which will count according to the bounds set by the user. The .SER file can be called by the PROG flash programmer to program a serial number into the target, or loaded into the cyclone standalone image.
(262 KB)

Shows the contents of PEmicro MAP files
(17 KB)

Windows Commandline utility that tests S-record files
(224 KB)

Unsecures HC(S)12(X) devices via PEmicro's BDM Interfaces such as Cyclone-PRO, USB-ML-12, and BDM-Multilink. A mass erase of the flash on the device is required. This version supports the USB-ML-12 Rev B and Rev C.
(4400 KB)

This application allows an ColdFire V2 processor with internal flash to be unsecured via the following PEmicro hardware interfaces: USB-ML-UNIVERSAL (all revisions) USB-ML-UNIVERSAL-FX (Rev B and higher) When a device is secure, it will not respond to BDM (Background Debug Mode) commands and must be unsecured via JTAG mode. In order to properly unsecure the device, the bus frequency on reset must be input by the user. This utility is supported in Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(3721 KB)

Manual / Documentation
BERG14-TO-MICTOR38 (PE1906) Schematic
PowerPC Nexus 14-pin IDC/Berg to 38-pin mictor adapter.
(5 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CASMHCS08_PRO User Guide
CASMHCS08_PRO User Guide (.pdf) v.1.00
(946 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Compact Flash Activation Guide
Cyclone CompactFlash License Activation Quick Start Guide v.1.01
(507 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Conflict Minerals Reporting Temlpate (Complete, PEmicro)
Conflict Minerals Reporting Temlpate (Complete, PEmicro), .xls document.
(1496 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROG08SZ - Command-line Programmer Documentation
Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(241 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROG12Z User Guide
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(188 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROG16Z User Guide
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(184 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROG32Z User Guide
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(185 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PDF User Guide for CPROGACMP (command-line programmer for ARM Cortex-M processors)
(325 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROGCFV1 User Guide
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(185 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(189 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PDF User guide for CPROGDSC command-line programming software
(613 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROGHCS08 User Guide
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(642 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROGMON08 - Command-line Programmer Documentation
Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(21 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(188 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file. v.1.02, May 2017.
(188 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PDF User guide for CPROGTRICORE flash programming software (part of CYCLONE LC AND CYCLONE FX Installation software).
(632 KB)

Manual / Documentation
CPROGS12ZZ User Guide
PDF Document describing the command-line parameters for the command line flash programming application. Has an example of writing a programming script file and also of reading the programming result with a batch file.
(182 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone Automated Control Package User Manual
Cyclone Automated Control Package User Manual
(450 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for ARM Devices Rev. C (discontinued) User Manual
User Manual for the Legacy product "Cyclone for ARM devices" Rev. C
(2694 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for ARM Devices Revs. A-B (discontinued) User Manual
User Manual for the Legacy product "Cyclone for ARM devices" Revs. A-B
(2845 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for Renesas Fact Sheet
Cyclone for Renesas Fact Sheet
(229 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for Renesas Quick Start Guide
Cyclone for Renesas Quick Start Guide, v.1.02
(193 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for Renesas User Manual
Cyclone for Renesas User Manual v. 1.09, released August 2016
(2744 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for ST Fact Sheet
Fact sheet containing an overview of the Cyclone for ST.
(531 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone for STMicro User Manual
User Manual v. 1.05 for Cyclone for STMicro. Updated November 2013.
(3353 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone MAX Users Manual.pdf
User Manual v.1.16 for the Cyclone MAX Automated Programmer & Debug Interface. v.1.16 specifies SPC56 support. Updated April 2015.
(4943 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone PowerPack 9V Instructions & Contents
Packing slip for Cyclone PowerPack (part#CYCCLONE-9V-POWERPACK) includes instructions and package contents.
(123 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone PowerPack Instructions
Instructions to setup and use the portable battery pack for PEmicro's Cyclone programmers.
(693 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone PRO Rev C User Manual
Cyclone PRO Rev C User Manual, v.1.18 Updated December 2014. v.1.18 adds error codes that were omitted in v. 1.17 V. 1.17 adds material for the inclusion of S12Z support
(4221 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone Programmer
A brief guide to get the user up and running with a simple Cyclone programming example.
(908 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Cyclone Programmers - Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Compliance for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC
(168 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Debug Configuration User Guide for Kinetis Design Studio
Debug Configuration User Guide v.1.03, last updated April 2015
(1787 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Debugging with C and ELF/DWARF
Describes C source-level debugging with PEmicro's debuggers and the ELF/DWARF debug file format
(11 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Fact Sheet for Cyclone FX programmers
Fact sheet with Cyclone FX overview and feature highlights.
(545 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Fact Sheet for Cyclone LC programmers
Fact Sheet for Cyclone LC programmers
(585 KB)

Manual / Documentation
GDB Server Plug-In for Eclipse-based IDEs - Config User Guide
PEmicro GDB Server Plug-In For Eclipse-based IDEs - Debug Configuration User Guide, v.1.09
(3133 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Hardware License Activation Guide
PEmicro software with -HL- in the part number has a hardware license that must be installed into a hardware interface, typically a Multilink. This is a guide to assist with that installation.
(730 KB)

Manual / Documentation
How to create your own PEMicro register files
This document contains information on the format of PEmicro register files. Using this information, you can create your own register files for peripherals which you have attached externally to your processor or for processors not currently supported by PEMicro
(12 KB)

Manual / Documentation
How to Install: CABLE-CF-ADAPTER
Quick guide that depicts installation of CABLE-CF-ADAPTER
(851 KB)

Manual / Documentation
How To- Stopping a Running HC08 Target
This document describes how to implement PEmicro's method for stopping a running HC08 target.
(127 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICD12Z User Guide
User Guide for PEmicro's ICD12Z debugger software.
(909 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICD16Z User Manual
User Manual for PEmicro's ICD16Z debugger software.
(492 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICD32Z User Manual
User manual for PEmicro's 683xx debugger software.
(884 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICDCFZ User Guide
User Guide for PEmicro's ICDCFZ debugger software.
(901 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICDHCS08 User Guide
Help File for PEmicro's ICDHCS08 debugger software. Please contact PEmicro if you are unable to read this file, a conversion of ICD help files to .pdf is in progress.
(1100 KB)

Manual / Documentation
User guide for PEmicro's MPC55xx-57xx debugger software.
(1465 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICDPPCZ User Guide
User guide for PEmicro's in-circuit debugger software for NXP MPC5xx/8xx .
(1444 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICDRS08 Help File
User Guide for PEmicro's ICDRS08 debugger software.
(538 KB)

Manual / Documentation
ICDS12ZZ User Guide
User Guide for PEmicro's ICD12SZZ debugger software.
(2151 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Legacy Cyclone doumentation
Includes documentation for discontinued PEmicro Cyclone programmers (PRO, MAX, STMicro, Renesas, ARM devices).
(16775 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Mulitilink Debug Probes - Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Compliance for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC
(169 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Multilink Fact Sheet
Fact sheet offering summary of usage and features for Multilink Universal and Multilink-ACP.
(1016 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Multilink FX Fact Sheet
Fact sheet with brief description of Multilink FX usage and features.
(972 KB)

Manual / Documentation
OpenSDA Firmware Update Instructions
OpenSDA Firmware Update Instructions (.pdf)
(281 KB)

Manual / Documentation
OSBDM/OSJTAG Virtual Serial Toolkit Resources
Document describing applications included in the OSBDM/OSJTAG Virtual Serial Tower Toolkit, as well as compatible PEmicro hardware.
(506 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PEmicro GDB Server for Kinetis® - User Manual
User Manual for PEmicro GDB Server for Kinetis®, v.1.00. (.pdf)
(830 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PEmicro Overview Flyer
PDF that gives an overview of PEmicros's Cyclone programmers and Multilink debug probes.
(744 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PEmicro REACH Certificate
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Certificate (updated Nov. 2024)
(205 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PEmicro RoHS3 Certificate
RoHS Certificate of Compliance, RoHS-3 Directive 2015/863/EU (updated Nov. 2024)
(77 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PEmicro Software Activation Guide
A simple, how-to guide that demonstrates how to activate PEmicro software.
(118 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PEmicro, GNU, and ELFDWARF.pdf
This document provides general information about using the PEmicro debuggers with the ELF/DWARF debugging file format.
(49 KB)

Manual / Documentation

Manual / Documentation

Manual / Documentation

Manual / Documentation
(2854 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROG12Z User Manual
User Manual for PEmicro's PROG1Z, flash programming software for NXP 68HC(S)12(X) devices.
(1845 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROG16Z User Manual
User Manual for PROG16Z - Flash programming software for NXP's 68HC16 devices.
(1203 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROG32Z User Manual
PROG32Z User Manual .pdf
(1298 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGACMP User Manual
User manual for PROGACMP flash programming software.
(1590 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGCFV1 User Manual
User manual for PROGCFV1 flash programming software for NXP ColdFire V1 devices.
(1760 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGCFZ User Manual
User Manual for PEmicro's PROGCFZ Flash Programming software (ColdFire V2/3/4).
(2000 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGDSC User Manual
User manual for PROGDSC flash programming software (.pdf).
(1817 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGHCS08 User Manual
User Manual for PROGHCS08 programming software. .pdf.
(2016 KB)

Manual / Documentation
User manual for PROGPPCNEXUS flash programming software.
(1831 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGPPCZ User Manual
User Manual for PROGPPCZ Flash Programming Software, pdf.
(1697 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGRS08Z User Manual
User Manual (.pdf) for PROGRS08Z Flash Programming Software.
(1084 KB)

Manual / Documentation
PROGS12ZZ User Manual
PROGS12ZZ User Manual (.pdf)
(1812 KB)

Manual / Documentation
User manual for PROGTRICORE flash programming software (part of CYCLONE LC AND CYCLONE FX Installation software).
(1121 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Renesas Adapter Schematic
Schematics for CUFX-RENESAS-ADPT rev D
(377 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Sample UNIT API Documentation
This document contains a sampling of some of the calls that are available in the UNIT libraries. Precise implementations will vary by processor family. This example document was derived from the UNITHCS08 API.
(9 KB)

Manual / Documentation
SR Addendum v.1.04
ICS08 Manual Appendix for SR
(319 KB)

Manual / Documentation
STM8 Adapter Schematics
Schematics for CU-CUFX-STM8-ADPT rev B
(77 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Tracelink Fact Sheet
Summary of Tracelink usage and features (.pdf)
(146 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Tracelink Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide for Tracelink (Rev. A) Advanced Trace Capture Interface for NXP Devices
(9856 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Tracelink User Manual, v.1.02
User Manual for Tracelink (Rev. A) Advanced Trace Capture Interface for NXP Devices, updated Jan. 2016.
(2181 KB)

Manual / Documentation
Transitioning from Legacy Cyclones
PDF Document provides information to help users transition from legacy Cyclones, which have been discontinued, to the Cyclone LC & Cyclone FX.
(94 KB)

Manual / Documentation
TRK-MPC5406P User Manual
TRK-MPC5406P User Manual v.1.00
(1617 KB)

Manual / Documentation
TRK-MPC5604B EVB User Manual
TRK-MPC5604B EVB User Manual, preliminary version
(882 KB)

Manual / Documentation
TRK-MPC5634M User Manual
TRK-MPC5634M User Manual
(1343 KB)

Manual / Documentation
User Guide: PEmicro Serial SPI Memory Programming, ARM devices
User Guide: PEmicro Serial SPI Memory Programming for ARM devices (.pdf)
(835 KB)

Manual / Documentation
User Manual for Cyclone FX Programmers
User manual for Cyclone FX ARM and Cyclone FX Universal. PDF v.3.5c, updated December 2024.
(8660 KB)

Manual / Documentation
User Manual for Cyclone LC Programmers
User manual for Cyclone LC ARM and Cyclone LC Universal. PDF v.3.5c updated December 2024.
(6842 KB)

Manual / Documentation
WinIDE User Guide
Documents how to use PEmicro's WinIDE.
(332 KB)

Manual / Documentation
xPC56XXEVB Resource CD
Includes documentation and utilities for PEmicro xPC56XXEVB demo boards.
(62383 KB)

Tech Summary
Multilink ACP Technical Summary
Technical Summary for USB Multilink ACP, Rev. B, v.1.04e.
(341 KB)

Tech Summary
Multilink Universal/Universal FX Technical Summary
Usage and other instructions for USB Multilink Universal & USB Multilink Universal FX. Document version 2.00b.
(550 KB)

Flash Algorithm
Algorithms for ARM devices, SPI Flash, External (except NXP)
Algorithms for ARM devices, SPI Flash, External (except NXP)
(3106 KB)

Flash Algorithm
Algorithms for ARM devices, SPI Flash, External (NXP only)
Algorithms for ARM devices, SPI Flash, External (NXP only)
(3117 KB)