Redpine Signals

PEmicro offers powerful production programming and debug tools for Redpine Signals' WiSeMCU RS14100 devices. These tools provide secure programming and support features to allow individual device programming customization such as may be required in the IOT space. Flash programming times of RS14100 devices with PEmicro's Cyclone FX programmer are among the fastest possible.

Production Programming

PEmicro's Cyclone production programmers are easily configured and are versatile in their setup and launch and may be manually controlled or easily automated. The FX adds high-speed performance, extensive capabilities for advanced automation and advanced programming controls.

Cyclone LC
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Cyclone FX
Extensive device support
Click through to find compatible tools for your supported device.
Stand-alone programming
Reliable & feature-rich
Easily automated
High-speed device programming
Advanced programming security
Expandable external storage
Advanced automation

Extensive Device Support


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