DAVE™ is an Eclipse-based IDE by Infineon which supports development and debugging of code on XMC1000 and XMC4000 devices. PEmicro's Multilink debug probes and Cyclone programmers can provide sophisticated debug for these Infineon devices via the DAVE™ IDE. To use PEmicro's debug probes the user can simply install PEmicro's GDB Server Plug-In for ARM devices and then create a launch configuration.
This article will walk the user through the following installation steps:
Installation Steps | Frequency |
1. Install the PEmicro GDB server Plug-In for ARM devices | Only Once |
2. Create a Launch Configuration | Once Per Project |
Install the PEmicro GDB server Plugin for ARM devices
The following steps will help the user install the PEmicro GDB Server Plug-In for ARM devices.
Figure 1. Splash Screen
Figure 2. Select "Install New Software"
This will pop up the following Install dialog:
Figure 3. Specify "Work With" Path
Figure 4. Restart DAVE to Implement Changes
PEmicro debug support has now been added into DAVE™.
Create a Launch Configuration
The following steps will help the user create a Launch configuration:
Figure 5. Select New -> DAVE Project
Figure 6. Specify Project Name & Type
c) Then, under the 'Microcontrollers' option, select the desired target board as well as the specific part of the target board, categorized by MCU family. Once these are selected, click Finish.
Figure 7. Select Target Board
Figure 8. Build Project
Figure 9. Project Explorer Popup Menu
This brings up the dialog where launch settings are configured. Normally, the user would select the configuration of their choice to edit it. In this case a launch has never been configured before, so that will be the next step.
Figure 10. Remove Any Filter Text
Figure 11. Click Apply and OK
Figure 12. Double-click GDB PEMicro Interface Debugging' Option
This will create a GDB PEmicro debug configuration with default settings which need to be adjusted as the next step.
This dialog shows a tree structure of all supported devices. There is a box where a string may be entered to filter the devices shown (blank = everything). In this example, the XMC4800-1024 device is being set up. Enter '4800' in the filter box to make the selection easier.
Figure 13. Enter Part Number Digits to Filter
Figure 14. Select Device
The GDB Debug Client also needs to be specified to launch a debug session. There is a panel titled 'GDB Client Settings' on the Debugger Tab which has a path to the GDB client executable (provided by Infineon).
In this example, the path is 'C:\DAVE_IDE\DAVE_4-4-2_64bit_2018-02-23\DAVE-IDE-4.4.2-64Bit\eclipse\ARM-GCC-49\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe'. Once selected, the path is shown in the 'Executable' input box.
Figure 15. Path Shown in "Executable" Input Box
There are many settings in this dialog such as selecting semihosting, using retarget or updating linker scripts and startup code,. Refer to the plug-in documentation for these details which in this example is located in the C:\DAVE_IDE\DAVE_4-4-2_64bit_2018-02-23\DAVE-IDE-4.4.2-64Bit\eclipse\ARM-GCC-49\share\doc\gcc-arm-none-eabi\readme.txt.