Can't acvtivate PROG12Z

By . : Aug 7, 2023 at 03:17 AM (03:17 hours)
Staff: Takao Y. : 4 comments


I have problems activating PROG-HL-12Z. I installed the program on my Windows 7. After launching, an activation form appears asking me to enter the installation code. But the program does not react in any way to entering the code. Only the "Quit" button is available.

Help me please.


Did you install the latest software that came with the purchase? If you are using an older install, then the software will not respond because it does not recognize the license key you have entered.

The person who purchased the license key will also get the software download given to them in their PEmicro account. Please have them download the software and give it to you to install and then try activating.


Please tell me how we can get product support after the end of the main support period? Thanks.


When Support period is active for the 12 months after purchase, you can ask to get free software upgrades and you can transfer your license to other users and multilinks if needed. After the 12 months, these supports end. So you need to have a stable working set up by then and you will not be able to ask for free upgrades or make changes to your license.

You can always get a software upgrade after 12 months but before 24 months for 50% discount if you need to get a newer version.

But you can always ask technical support about any issues you are seeing no matter if you have an active support period or did not even buy a license yet. We want to make sure you getting the right software and that your set up works.
