What's SW and devices needed to dump the flash for NXP S32K144?

By Leon H. : Dec 15, 2022 at 08:27 PM (20:27 hours)
Staff: Ben K. : 6 comments

Hi all,

I am using the NXP S32K148, and using the device multilink universal fx and S32DS IDE to develope.
Now, if I want to dump mcu flash, any other devices or software needed?

Thank you,


By dump flash do you mean erasing the entire flash memory, or are you looking to save the whole contents of flash memory to some external file?

Thank you,

Hi Ben,

I mean I am looking for the devices and software saving S32K148 the whole contents of flash memory. And I can program the .19 file into another mcu.


Ah I see. Within S32DS's memory view window, there should be an "export" button that lets you dump the flash memory contents. One of the output options is *.s19.

Thank you,

Yes, I know S32DS can "export" flash memory, but it took long time , so I want to find another PEmicro devices or software to dump the flash memory. Now I think the Cyclone universal is ok, also it could be stand-alone programming.
Now, if I want to do faster dump the flash memory, do I need to purchase "PROG-HL-ARM" software or anything else?

Kindly regards,

If you want to stay with the Multilink FX, you can just buy the "PROG-HL-ARM" software. Otherwise the Cyclone FX is our fastest and includes the "PROG-HL-ARM" software.

Within "PROG-HL-ARM" software there is an upload module function that can output the entirety of flash to an *.s19 for later use.