PEmicro Blog

Cyclone Multi-Channel Programmer Preview (Updated with Video Demo)

Nov 22, 2024

Update: PEmicro will be demonstrating the Multi-Channel Programmer at Embedded World in Nuremberg, Germany, March 11-13, Hall 4, Booth 150. Stop by and say hello!

PEmicro is expanding its popular line of Cyclone production programmers in Spring 2025 with the addition of a new Cyclone Multi-Channel Programmer.

Video with Overview, Features, and Demonstration of Cyclone Multi-Channel Programmer


Limited-Time Promotion: 50% Discount. Upgrade V1 Licenses to V2 Licenses.

Aug 19, 2024

Over the years many customers have requested that PEmicro should instead use node-licensing for its flexibility and utility. We listened and the V2 Hardware License was born. The V2 Hardware License is activated once and stored inside the Multilink or Cyclone. This allows the user to take the hardware with them to any computer and share the hardware and software with colleagues. It's no longer necessary to activate per user and per computer. 


SiliconLabs Simplicity Studio 4 and 5 : Installing PEmicro Multilink and Cyclone Support

Dec 20, 2022

Simplicity Studio 4 and 5 are Eclipse-based IDEs by Silicon Labs which support development and debugging of code on EFM32 devices. PEmicro provides hardware debug probes which provide sophisticated debug of these same EFM32 devices. This blog demonstrates the three steps needed to install and configure PEmicro Multilink and Cyclone debug support in Simplicity Studio. 

UPDATE: All following steps now apply to Simplicity Studio 5


Java SE Dev Kit 11 Support Added to PEmicro's Eclipse-Based ARM IDE Plug-In

Jun 21, 2021

PEmicro is pleased to announce our latest Eclipse-based GDB Plugins for ARM devices with Java 11 support compatibility. Java 11 support was introduced in PEmicro's ARM plugin version 4.9.2 in April of 2021, and all ongoing PEmicro plugin releases include Java 11 support, as well as backwards compatibility with Eclipse IDEs that still rely on Java 8-based JDK. Java 11 is a prerequisite for native Eclipse IDEs, starting from version 2020-12, as well as some proprietary Eclipse based IDEs from NXP (MCUXpresso IDE) and STmicroelectronics (STM32CubeIDE).    


3 Upgrades Add Cyclone FX Advanced Features to the Cyclone LC

Jul 09, 2019

The Cyclone FX comes standard with many advanced features which aren't available by default on the Cyclone LC series of programmers. PEmicro offers a licensing mechanism to add three of these advanced Cyclone FX features to the Cyclone LC : ProCryption programming protection and encryption, Advanced Automation, and external SD card storage for images. 


Silicon Labs: Flash Secure/Unsecure for Silicon Labs Gecko Devices with Time-Sensitive AAPs

Mar 25, 2019

PEmicro considers the privacy of its customers' intellectual property to be of utmost importance. Silicon Labs' 32-bit devices feature an Authentication Access Port (AAP) as part of their security features, and for some of these devices, a debugger may have a limited time to access this port when communicating with an unsecured device. With that in mind, PEmicro software supports secure, unsecure, and mass-erase for Silicon Labs devices with these debug time-sensitivities, which can help users keep their valuable data safe.


How to use PEMicro's Multilink and Cyclone Interfaces with Keil's MDK-ARM IDE

Apr 13, 2018

Download the Installer for PEmicro support under Keil uVision IDE

PEmicro's run control and FLASH programming support is fully integrated into ARM's MDK-ARM Keil uVision Integrated Development Environment v5.25 for ARM microcontrollers. This provides debug capabilities via PEmicro's Multilink, Cyclone and embedded OpenSDA debug interfaces for a broad range of ARM devices from NXP, STMicroelectronics, Atmel, Cypress, Infineon, Silicon Labs and many others. For complete list of ARM devices that PEMicro supports, please visit the following page:


PEmicro Adds Support For NXP LPC8xx/54xx, Atmel/Microchip SAM4C & SiLabs EFR32 MG

Jan 26, 2017

PEmicro is excited to announce that we have recently added debug and flash programming support for a number of new ARM processor families: