PEmicro Blog

Stand-Alone Programming Images vs Cloud-Connect Programming Images

Apr 20, 2023

In addition to Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) images, Cyclone Programmers also support Cloud-Connected programming images.   Cloud-Connected programming images operate in a very similar way to stand-alone images while using the PEcloud to provide additional visibility and control to the IP owner, as well as facilitate sharing of data (serial numbers, programming restriction counts, logs, etc.) to make programming across Cyclones and Locations easier.


Both Stand-Alone and Cloud-Connected programming images store all information within a single binary object (a programming image), including: the Device Selection, algorithms, programming scripts, customer binaries, dynamic data, serialization, programming restrictions, cryptographic protection, power and communication settings, etc. The programming image's binary object can be immediately deployed to a Cyclone via Serial/USB/Ethernet/Wi-Fi, saved to disk for later deployment, or in the case of Cloud-Connected images, optionally deployed to PEcloud to be downloaded by a company's authorized Cyclones. Cloud-Connected Image Meta-Data (description, unique ID, but no programming data) is uploaded to the PEcloud when a binary is generated so that it can be tracked by the IP Owner.

Both types of images can be launched on Cyclones locally via the Automated Control SDK. 

Additional features of Cloud-Connected Images

Cloud-connected programming images sync to the PEcloud when programming which enables additional capabilities on top of what a disconnected stand-alone programming image can do. PEcloud :

  1. Confirms the Cyclone is still authorized to run the cloud-connected image
  2. Checks that the image is still active (not disabled or deleted by the user)
  3. Shares unique serial numbers across Cyclones and Images
  4. Tracks and Enforces programming count restrictions on specific images
  5. Maintains a global log of programming operations for each image

Cloud-connected image binaries can also be optionally delivered via the PEcloud to authorized Cyclones. 

Below are some of the more detailed differences between a Stand-Alone Programming Image (SAP) and a Cloud-Connect Programming Image (JOB): 

Stand-Alone Programming Images (SAP)Cloud-Connect Programming Images (JOB)
  • Stand-Alone Programming Image. No Cloud Connection.
  • Connects to PEcloud during programming 
Image Creation/Delivery Options
  • Loaded Directly onto the Cyclone
  • Saved to Disk (for later loading via SDK)
  • Loaded Directly onto the Cyclone
  • Saved to Disk (for later loading vis SDK)
  • Distributed via a Company's PEcloud Virtual Factory
Encryption with Customer Keys
  • Encryption optional for locally loaded Images
  • Encryption required for PEcloud-delivered images
Permission to Program
  • Cyclone enforces image programming date/count restrictions for itself. Counts not shared between Cyclones running the same image.
  • PEcloud tracks programming date/count restrictions for images across all Cyclones and enforces them.
  • Programming restricted to authorized cyclones and active images.
Post-Deployment Image Management
  • None
  • Authorized users can view Programming Image utilization and logs online.
  • Programming Image status may be paused or disabled at any time preventing use.
  • List of Cyclones authorized to run a Programming Image can be changed at any time.
Restriction Tracking
  • Tracked within each Cyclone, but not across Cyclones
  • Tracked across all Cyclones programming the Image
  • None (User can log SDK results manually)
  • Extensive
    • Production Counts
    • Time/Date Programmed
    • Programming Time
    • Programming Failure results
    • Cyclone which did Programming
    • Custom data read from each part (such as UID)
    • Test Code Execution Results (Run Test)
    • Dynamic Data provided locally to the Cyclone
    • Serialization
  • Serial Number Current Count is stored in a Cyclone's Internal Storage
  • Serial Number Current count is shared by all Images within a Cyclone
  • Serial Number Current Count stored in PEcloud
  • Serial Numbers are shared by all Images across all Cyclones associated with a specific PEcloud Account

The advantage of the SAP image is that it is Stand-Alone and does not require the Cyclone to be internet connected.  It is easy to use these images loaded onto Cyclones in closed factories or out in the field for field firmware updates.

The advantage of the Cloud-Connected programming image is that it gives greater control and observability into the production programming process and facilitates shared data, such as globally shared serial numbers and image usage restrictions. 

Both have their place in the Production Programming space and provide the customer greater flexibility in their production programming process.

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