ARMv7-M devices have the ability to halt when specified exceptions occur. If exception catching is enabled, the processor will halt when a user's code hits the corresponding fault handler. Exception catching serves as an aid to development by alerting users in real-time about exceptions that occur in their code. When installed in NXP's MCUXpresso IDE, PEmicro's GDB Server plug-ins from v3.96 onward include options for exception catching, and return information about the exceptions that have occurred. PEmicro Plug-In Support PEmicro's GDB Server plug-ins from v3.96 onward support exception catching and return fault information in MCUXpresso IDE. With this plug-in installed, MCUXpresso IDE's Debug Configurations include options to halt on: By default, all exception catching is enabled in MCUXpresso IDE . The developer may personalize these settings in MCUXpresso IDE's Debug Configurations window's Debugger tab. Each time the processor halts or steps, the PE Debug Console view will return information about all exceptions that have occurred since the last halt or step. BusFaults and MemManage faults will also include information about the location at which the fault occurred.